Learn in just 4 hours where to Work, Shop and how to pay like a local

 Tour of Chiang Mai for Digital Nomads

The Digital Nomad Start Up Tour of Chiang Mai

If you are new to Chiang Mai, quite often even after months of living here you will not know even 1/3rd of the information you will gain in just 4 hours with our local person showing you around.  Talk about using the 80/20 principal! Learn where to work, how to shop and use transport like a local person, and get a phone plan that will save you the cost of the tour in just a couple of months.

For full details of the Digital Nomad Start Up tour of Chiang Mai

[button url=”https://chiangmaibuddy.com/nomad-tour-chiang-mai/” target=”” size=”small” style=”skyblue” icon=”” popup=”” title=””]Full Tour Details[/button]


Your Tour of Chiang Mai will include:

Learn Thai Wisdom3 Main Co Working Spaces
3 Supermarkets
2 Day and 1 Night Market
3 Shopping Malls
Sim Card and Phone Plan
Nimman and Santitham Areas
5 Gyms & Fitness Venues
Some Thai Language
Local Knowledge
Food (Optional)
Learn to Haggle Prices
Massage at Conclusion (Optional)


Mini details of the Digital Nomad Start Up Tour

Over 4 hours you will be taken on a mini tour to familiarize yourself with the options and facilities that support your online lifestyle. Starting with the co-working spaces,where you will spend most of your working time and find other nomads to socialize with. You will Visit 5 co-working spaces in Chiang Mai

Punspace coworking chiang mai    camp coworking space chiang mai    Coffee Monster coworking space chiang mai

Then let’s go Mall shopping … First the older and more practical Kad Suan Kaew and then new and up market Maya.  At Kad Suan Kaew shopping center you will be shown the local supermarket, and shops and get your guide will assist you with a SIM card and phone plan.

maya mall chiang mai                 kad suan kaew chiang mai

Then a short ride to Santitham area and a local market, where if you wish you will be taught how to haggle for better prices.  Then off to visit Tesco Lotus a larger (Walmart type) store.  Along the way you will benefit from our local knowledge, stopping off at various places that hardly anyone takes advantage of.  We will point out the various bars and night life choices, visit the gyms and really give you secrets that take westerners years to discover.

Thanin Market chiang mai   Ton Payom Market Chiang Mai   Kat Rin Kham Night Bazaar

If you want to have a look at the gyms and local fitness clubs, our guide will take you in along the way.  Then off to the largest Mall and Superstore.

gyms chiang mai






Along the way if time permits, you can learn how to order food from a local street vendor and at the conclusion of your tour we will take you into a Thai massage shop for a wonderfully relaxing way to end your wisdom tour.

how to order thai street food            End the Tour with a Massage

This tour will require you to have a motorbike or ride as a passenger.  Ideally you will use your own motorbike so that you can learn to identify the landmarks along the route to the various places. But if needed we can also hire a Tuk Tuk for the trip (your additional expense around 800 Baht). During these four hours you are guaranteed to discover, and learn more about your local area than most people who have been living here for months or years.[hr]

Free Online Consierge Credit

Credit your Online Concierge Account with 200 Baht

That’s 60 minutes of having your own Thai speaking local, helping you manage the big and little things you will face during your day.  Get signs translated, have us make inquires on your behalf, tell the waitress no sugar or MSG, Get a better price for goods you buy. What ever you need to do or express when you do not speak Thai.

This is a service that you will use time and time again!